Waffle Cone

Waffle Cone by Fox Fireworks is a wonderful and colorful fountain that is perfect for any show.

Size: 11.5 H X 5.5 W

1. Red, green and blue fish
2. Blue lasers
3. 3 stage fountain
4. White fir flowers to red and green sparks, silver sizzles.

Waffle Cone

Category: Fountains

SKU: F-217 Category:


Waffle Cone by Fox Fireworks is a wonderful and colorful fountain that is perfect for any show.

Size: 11.5 H X 5.5 W

1. Red, green and blue fish
2. Blue lasers
3. 3 stage fountain
4. White fir flowers to red and green sparks, silver sizzles.

Waffle Cone

Category: Fountains